Monday, February 05, 2007


The are three things that I consciously fear; death of myself, death of a loved one and 'falling'. Fear of death to self started since I got married. Death of a loved one is ongoing. 'Falling', this one is a fear that has followed be consciously since secondary school. Why I'm writing this today is because this fear showed itself in full face by a friend.

I have just been contacted by a '3-months of lost contact' friend who 'fell'. You 'Fall' when you have nothing to live for. You 'Fall' when you want to get out of your current 'life situation'. You 'Fall' when you're dealth with a shock for which the impact you are not ready for.

No names, but description yes. A nice girl, very hardworking and always takes care of her image, never skipped a prayer, leading a social lifestyle up to drinking tea/coffee till late at nights and dancing once or twice a week with gal-friends or social friends at discos. Work stress led to... drinking, smoking and drugs (weeds and pills). No more prayers, no more replying friend's sms or phonecalls, just releasing stress after work at pubs/bars being drunk. That's a BIG fall for someone to make a complete u-turn in life!

The only light in this is... she realised it, yesterday. First step to climbing out of a hole no matter how deep you fell. There is absolutely no one else who can help a fallen person other than that person. I can throw a rope, or heck, get a helicopter and a nice matress tied down to lower into the hold, but if a fallen person doesn't even wanna get up, all help is useless. The funny thing is, these people don't realise that being in the bleakest moment has one thing that everyone else don't have: Things can only get better. Problem with human being is that they are contented with "living the moment" that they see no future, or don't even strive for it.

Just to share a little from the show "Secret" which I'd rather call "A Philosophical View on Law of Attraction". Where we are now is due to what we did in the past, and what we are doing now SHOULD be what we want in our future. If we fail to do something for our future, then we are living the moment purely to kill time or fill-up whatever idle time we have with things we like that does not contribute to anything. It's no different from a parking-lot attendant sitting in his booth and not thinking of changing job ever and not even reading a book/newspaper/magazine during his idle time and prefers to day-dream only.

Please take care of your life, seriously. It totally begins with the man in the mirror, no one else.

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