Monday, February 18, 2008

Son's Name

A shoutout to KB. No worries about what transpired. It was an honour to me that you're comfortable to that level. Alah, macam a younger cousin je lah kan?

I'm trying to see how to detail out this post without really revealing my son's name, which will be difficult. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, just as long as I don't spell his name outright, 'google' will not be able to find it.

I knew that one day people will start having problems pronouncing his names. Just yesterday at a CNY Open House, it was difficult for anyone else to pronounce his name properly. So here, for my memory, and everyone's understanding to why his name is that, I'll list out the history of how his name came to be.

Early in the marriage, I'm already told that my wife would like a name that starts with the 'z' sound, but not wanting the name to be listed last in any alphabetical list. Therefore, we decide on a 'dz' beginning. At the same time, we don't want common 'dz' names like 'Dzulkarnain', 'Dzulfikah' or 'Dzulkifli'.

Therefore, instead of finding a 'z' sounding name and adding a 'd' in front, I've decided to find a 'd' sounding name, and put a 'z' sound at the front. So, names like Daniel, Darren would sound like Zaniel, Zarren, however they sound too awkward. I went through a whole list of 'd' names and settled on the name my son now have.

I am totally aware that without adding the 'z', it totally coincides with the name of the boy in Omen 1,2 and 3. In fact, when I first thought through the list, that name really came from the movie. However, it's just a movie, and just too unlucky that they decided to name the son of Satan with that name. At least I didn't name my son Lucifer.

Anyway, so that's how we arrived to his name. His second name is consciously picked out from arabic two-syllable words. We just changed the spelling to place another 'z' sound at the end.

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