Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sh*t Smell

On Sunday while my wife and I was on the way to get breakfast, something occured to me, and the conversation went something like this.

Me: You know, ear sh*t smells, the soft plague on the teeth smells, of course our own sh*t smells. How come our nose sh*t don't smell?

Wife: Maybe we're too used to smelling it?

Me: Hmm... could be right. I guess that's why babies cry when they start breathing. The first smell they get is the smell of nose sh*t.

Now it got me thinking again. If your nose sh*t don't smell because you're too used to the smell, would other people's nose sh*t smell bad to you? I don't want to find out, but if anyone would like to conduct that experiment, do tell me the result.

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