Thursday, September 06, 2007

Mental Lapse

I was in a personal scary situation the past 6 days. On Saturday evening I had a rather major headache (pin-sticking type) at the back of my head nearer to the right ear. Sunday it got worst with pins every minute and I was unable to concentrate on the road I was driving on or even remembering things. Every pin pain reset my current thoughts.

I was MC on Monday. On Tuesday I came to work. My colleagues believed it's due to short-sightedness but since I am not, I got a little worried. The pain started subsiding Monday evening, but the effect of the headache carried on until yesterday evening.

In a personal panic situation, I find myself grasping for words during my conversation. I'm not too sure if a certain colleague of mine, CT, noticed this problem I had during my conversation with him during lunch and office hours. To me personally, every time it occurs and I have to find another synonym to use, there's just a state of slight panic. Like asking "What's happening to me?!"

Though there's no pin pain, ok, I prefer to use the better word 'prick' which totally described how the pain feels like, but that word "prick" has been mutilated to be of another meaning. Just as a "nice clean soft pussy" brings one meaning to a 5 years old girl and absolutely another meaning to a 30 years old man.

Back to my story, though there's no pin pain anymore, the mental lapse remain. Sometimes I forget what I'm doing. Worst of the lot was looking at my ringing phone and wondering what's it doing lighting up and making noise. At the moment I forgot it's a telephone. Sheer panic. Hehe... but I hope I'm ok now.

This is just purely a diary entry.

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