Thursday, February 14, 2008

Eldest Daughter (with 2nd eldest also a girl)

Disclaimer: This post is PURELY by observation and experience only.

I acknowledge that I exudes a certain kind of aura that makes me untouchable. No, not untouchable as in "invincible", but people tend not to touch me. Maybe I look too serious, or I really emit some kind of message saying "don't touch me". I've noticed this for a very very long time. Some girls who tend to laugh at a guy's joke and hit him. Some guys like to lean their elbow on another's shoulder or back to look at computer/newspaper together. Some people pat each other on a job well done, or to perk someone up, etc etc. There's a lot of touches in a single day. However, I do notice very well that at times before a certain pat comes, it's held back. It's like they think "Hmm... maybe I shouldn't pat him." or something. Anyway, this is not an issue to me. So be it.

Ok, what's this about eldest daughter?? I wanted to write a post about this since middle of last year, but thinking about last Friday's incident, I think I'll just write about it. Why? Coz' eldest daughters (who has a younger sister) seem to be immune to this 'aura'. But I guess, it's in built in them. For brevity sake, I'll call these people EDWYS (Eldest-Daughter-With-Younger-Sister).

My first experience in noticing this EDWYS syndrome (haha, no lar, not a syndrome lar) is during a lunch meet I had back in Dec 2005. I think it was at DeliFrance, The Weld. I was halfway eating (with soup and all) when she suddenly said "Taste a bit!" and just plopped her spoon into my soup and tasted it. I was shocked (but didn't show it lar). As I got to know her better, ya, it seems that she can actually ask any men looking at her in the LRT "Yes, what are you looking at?" and these sort of things which usually other girls will just tend to ignore.

Then I met another two EDWYS, who seem to be able to treat me like a buddy rather than having that distance between male-female relationship. Like one of the boys, kinda-feeling.

Then, last Friday, haha... Queen Bee, I guess you'd never expect I'll write about you here. Anyway, last Friday, at a cousin-in-law's engagement lunch, this EDWYS who might be tired due to her pregnancy, leaned her head against my shoulder. This was a first! Eh, KB, I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. Of course in my own opinion, KB would have already summed me as a close cousin since I married her close cousin. However, I doubt any other girl cousins or cousin-in-laws whose not EDWYS would have done the same.

So, then, I did bring it up to KB, about whether it's true that EDWYS tend to have a different mindset when it comes to guy-girl relationship, a different kind of boundary within the friendship. That, guys are not so distant after all to EDWYS, and that they can easily be buddy-buddy with any guys. She recalled to having a friend who's also EDWYS, and is somewhat 'braver' in this kind of situation, be it with guys or life in general.

Anyway, this is just my view on EDWYS. Now that KB realises that I commented on Friday's incident (she doesn't know why I suddenly would bring it up the other day), don't be too conscious the next time you're being yourself. The other EDWYS is so conscious about me commenting on her "tasting of my soup" that she's even afraid to ask for a taste of what other food I eat the next time around meeting at lunch.


Anonymous said...

Sandman, no worries. Yupp, I do consider you my close cousin, and comfortable enough to know that your wife would not suspect anything out of a simple gesture:)
On EDWYS syndrome, I think the confidence stem from the fact that you're treated like an alpha female when it's all girls, or the family has strong maternal background. It's actually a form of self defense lah, and over the years become something ingrained and subconscious. When you're the eldest, you take the natural role as the protector for your siblings, whether you like it or not:)
Nways, sorry if I offended you with my casual physical act. Your wife would tell you that I've always been the one to 'meleset' to others a lot, especially one of our late uncles. How I miss him!!!

nadya said...

Hey. That's very interesting. I'm also an EDWYS and I experience the same as you mentioned in your post.
I was actually googling for information on other things that EDWYS have in common. Possibly psychological hardships? Would you know anything, from a personal experience even? :)
Thanks! :)